The project, ‘Empowering Women, Youth, and Marginalized Groups for Inclusive Governance and Peace in Sierra Leone’ implemented by by Talking Drum Studio Sierra Leone in partnership with 50-50 Group and the Budget Advocacy Network (BAN) with support from Irish Aid is aimed at scaling up and consolidating previous successes in women’s empowerment and governance. Building on the foundations laid by the "Strengthening the Role of Women for Inclusive Governance and a Peaceful Society" Project (2022-2024) and the "Women Unite!" Project (2018-2021), this project will further enhance women’s participation in governance and peacebuilding, particularly across Port Loko, Kambia, Tonkolili, Karene, and Moyamba districts, while also ensuring sustainability in Kenema and Kono districts.
The project’s core goal is to promote inclusive, transparent, and accountable governance, coupled with a protected civil society space in Sierra Leone. Its objectives include empowering women, youths, and marginalized groups to engage actively in governance, strengthening collaboration among Women’s Community Solidarity Groups (WCSGs), Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), and institutional actors, and advocating for and implementing inclusive policies.
From a broader perspective, this project also targets elected leaders, community leaders including religious leaders, local councils and male champions in order to gain their support to promote issues around women’s participation in governance and peace building processes. -
Implemented in Portloko, Moyamba, Kono & Koinadugu Districts, the Building Bridges! project seeks to empower citizens and civil society in Sierra Leone to promote peaceful and more democratic governance processes. This project is in its third year.
Implemented in Kono, Port Loko, Kambia, Kenema, Tonkolili, Karene and Moyamba Districts, this project seeks to scale-up, consolidate, sustain, and increase the reach and impact of the Women Unite! Project implemented by Search for Common Ground (Search) and its partners from 2018-2021. The overall goal of this project is to strengthen women’s role in promoting democratic, accountable and inclusive governance in Sierra Leone. The project particularly focuses on strengthening the capacity of women to demand improved services and equal political representation; increase their participation and representation in the 2023 electoral cycle; violence mitigation and peace building; inclusive governance, local level accountability; social, economic, and political empowerment of women, policy advocacy and increased access to information.
By applying innovative and inclusive approaches to conflict mediation and cross-border communication, this project which is implemented in Falaba District seeks to Bridge the divide between cattle herders and farmers in both Sierra Leone and Guinea by capacitating community members to manage, mitigate and resolve conflicts between cattle herders and crop farmers, strengthen District Cattle Committees and promote inclusion in their composition, strengthen Chiefdom bylaws through workshops to review and update bylaws and also promote and strengthen cross-border decision-making and dialogue.
Key Project documents