
In a Nutshell

Talking Drum Studio (TDS) has emerged as the legacy of Search for Common Ground (Search), a peacebuilding INGO that began operating in Sierra Leone in 2000. As a separate entity, we draw on our 20 years of experience to create a space for discussion of crucial social and political issues. Our innovative radio and television programs address a wide range of topics: governance, accountability, gender, land rights, the environment, education, health, and elections.

Our radio drama “Atunda Ayenda”, which means "lost and found," has become a household name in Sierra Leone. With more than 4,500 episodes, it remains, to this day, a robust platform that influences crucial decisions regarding the nation's peace efforts.

Why Talking Drum Studio?

In West Africa, the Talking Drum is known as the musical instrument that “speaks” to unite.  Its steady sounds reach everyone and can guide parties in conflict towards reconciliation. In post-war Sierra Leone, these concepts gave birth to our vision and mission:

Our vision is to see a Sierra Leone where citizens’ diversity is a catalyst for a just and peaceful community.

Our mission is to inspire and connect people for a tolerant and inclusive society.